I have written many short stories about my mom. Today on Mother's Day, I was actually editing 5 of them that will be included in my next book. The stories speak of strength, kindness and encouragement. They attest to her ability to always help when she could and how she wasn't afraid to tell you what she really thought. They also speak of strained relationships and the restoration that came not a moment too soon.
My entire life, my mom loved my sister and I. She was fierce in her love, and didn't ever know when she needed to take a step back. When we were teens and she struggled to parent us, Angela and I sometimes felt smothered. She was parenting, disciplining, guiding and not giving up on us. What felt like smothering was actually love. It was her loving-kindness on display. It just took Angela and I a few years, and a whole lot of growing up to realize it.
So when my mom asked me if I thought she had done good job being a mom to Angela and I, I may have paused, but I knew the answer. Without a doubt, I knew.
I told her how much I admired her. How she was always so good at helping me with my school work even when she couldn't help me at all. How she encouraged me to take chances and to believe that I could accomplish my goals even when I didn't have a clue what she was talking about. I told her of how I loved the way she loved people when they didn't show love in return and how she was so intentional in her friendships. I told her that she was not only an excellent mom who showed me how to love others, but she also modeled what it looked like to chase after the Lord. She showed me that the chasing was most important.
I remember she smiled at me and breathed in deeply. "Well then, my work here is done."
Her life was not a long one, only 67 years. I had the eternal pleasure of having her in my life for 37 of those years. And I now know that if I can teach my children even half of things that she taught and modeled for me, my work here will be done.
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